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MOTHER IN LAW HEALED AND SAVED! Dear Generals, Warfront greetings to you in the most precious and blessed name of our soon coming Lord and savior Jesus Christ. I pray that all is well there at HQ. We are fine this side. As I promised in my last mail, here is the testimony that I have about my mother in-law: From the start my mother in-law never approved of my marriage to her daughter, just for the sake that she didn’t want her to get married. I and my wife were very much in love and saw nothing wrong in getting married, so we went ahead and got married. This led to a seven year protracted antagonism between us (me and wife) and her. We always prayed for her but she never wanted to see her daughter (my wife). It was worse for me. You know this side there are still those people who want to control even adult children and if they go against them they proclaim curses. My wife and I were cursed by our mother in-law, but thank God we were already Christians and we scoffed at this by the name of Jesus and nothing bad happened for seven years. Since my mother in-law was not a Christian and extremely militant, she was surprised over the years to realize that we were unexpectedly going strong and God was richly blessing our marriage in every area. We were blessed with three lovely and healthy boys (currently we are expecting our fourth child by God’s grace). Our small business was also thriving and God was opening other sources of income and survival. This made her to hate us the more and wished that one day we would have a bad omen. Surprisingly my mother in-law developed a sickness that baffled even the doctors as they had no name for it and no cure for her. She developed a small wound at her very delicate part of the abdomen. This wound had a very tiny opening (needle size) that issued a puss that got worse every year. The puss was smelling and got worse (the smell) as if she had cancer but doctors said it was not cancer. By the second quarter of last year (2007) she got worse and this time she had a back ache that ended up causing her to be bedridden whereby she could neither turn nor sit. She was still cursing and refusing to see even her daughter. Sometimes she would pass out and then wake up. At one time, she got so sick that people thought she was going to die. My wife eventually gathered courage and went to see but she was cursed and told that she was only welcome if she left me (My wife was labeled a witch who was causing her sickness). All these years we were praying for her but it appeared as if nothing would change as she hated us even the more. She was taken to the hospital where she was given a bed rest which was supposed to last two weeks but lasted for one month and two weeks. She left the hospital still unable to wake up or walk. This is the time when I received the second mailbag from you with the prayer cloths. Since I couldn’t go and see her, I took one of the prayer cloths and wrote on it her name and stuck it on my bedroom wall where I could see it every time. Since I loved her as my own mother and wished her well and that one day we can have a healthy relationship, I prayed for her inward (heart/spiritual healing) as well as her physical healing. Suddenly things started to happen as God softened my mother in-law’s heart and she welcomed us so that we can come and facilitate the talks to bring peace. She was still sick and we were continually praying for her recovery. Miraculously everything went well and she accepted me as her son-in-law. This is not an easy process in our African culture, but God made it easy. As if this was the key to unlock her health, suddenly she made a miraculously recovery, and to cut a long story short, now she is both able to sleep well and walk without a walking stick or walker given to her by the hospital to help her stand and walk. She can even perform household chores and wash clothes, great is this God. Now she has given her life to Christ and reads the Bible everyday, and suddenly I have become her darling son. How great is this God, and the miracle prayer cloths are indeed working by God’s power and faith in him! Thank you so much for your prayers and your unwavering faith even in the face of adversity. We pray that God may give you many more years to reach millions with the Gospel. 1st LT. QUESTION NDOU ZIMBABWE C.AFRICA
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